On this business trip, I finally figured out a secret recipe for pampering success!

I love to pamper myself.

I love massages.

I love pedicures.

I love the time to sit and relax and let someone take care of me because usually, it’s typically me taking care of other people – clients and family.

With a super busy schedule, sometimes I find it hard to make time for a pedicure during the course of a regular week. With juggling a busy schedule full of family and kids, business and community stuff, it often leaves little time for pampering. But I’ve figured out an ideal time to do pampering: Do it when I’m on a business trip!

Even though business trips require a lot of go-go-go, there’s an ease to it as well. There are no household chores. No kids. No hubby. With limited client contact in the evening, I find that is a great time to fit in some pampering.

When do you fit in some pampering for yourself?