Play With Your Team

Take time to play with your staff and your team members! Play is one of the best ways to bring people together to develop a team and enjoy one another even more. One of my favorite team building activities is to duct tape a team member to the wall! It’s...

Unwritten Rules of a Team

Years ago, I started at a company full of anticipation and excitement for a new adventure. I read over the employee handbook to make sure I was aware of the key aspects of joining the new company. But, I was soon caught off guard by one unwritten rule… something...

On-boarding Women vs. Men

There is a lot of discussion around the difference between hiring a man and woman. It seems like a lot of tech and engineering companies are worried about how attractive they are to women. Companies are talking more and more about the need for women in their...

Power of Lunches

One of my favorite ways to on-board new employees is to take them out to lunch. I’m not talking about the big massive group lunch where everybody from the team or department goes, rather I’m talking about one-on-one lunches that allow individuals to get to...