Today’s episode is an exploration into stress and how we manage it. Listen in as we share the five key areas of your life and how to determine where your stress is and what to do about it. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with work and not sure how to start feeling better, this is the episode for you.

I want to talk a little bit more about this idea of dealing with stress at work in a recent interview with Earl Foote. It’s important it is to unplug from tech for a more well-balanced life.

I’ve been career coaching people for nearly 23 years. And I have seen many people become so stressed out at work and not sure what to do about it. There are things you can do to work harder and figure out the problem. In this podcast episode, I want to encourage you to think about another way to deal with stress.

And I want to share five different areas of your life that you can assess your stress with.

To find out what these areas are, listen to the episode here.