This week’s episode of Today’s Top Leaders is part two of my interview with Earl Foote, founder, and CEO of Nexus IT Consultants. 

Earl is also the co-founder of Elevate International, a passion project about offering adventures, retreats, and humanitarian service opportunities to leaders. Earl was nominated as a guest by Linda Rawson, founder of DynaGrace Enterprises. 

In this episode, Earl Foote returns to discuss the importance of leadership development in the tech sector and why companies value generalists. Listen in as Jen and Earl share the value of focusing on teamwork and why a growth mindset will serve you in today’s job search.

Earl is a serial entrepreneur with a massive itch to see and experience the world, its cultures, people, and food. In 2019 alone, Earl did 14 business and personal trips around the world – from Vancouver, BC to Costa Rica to Spain to Iceland to Dubai. As a Co-Founder of ELEVATE INTL, a project that’s passionate about offering adventures, retreats, and humanitarian service opportunities to leaders, he shares his wanderlust for seeing the world to bless the lives of at-risk children.

You can learn more about Earl at:

Please be sure to click here to listen to Part 2 of my conversation with Earl Foote