Happy Labor Day, ladies!

I was thinking about Rosie the Riveter and how she represents so much for working women. Rosie was a product of the government’s propaganda to get white middle-class American women to go to work during World War II. But, since then, Rosie has stood for so much more!

To this day, even many decades after World War II has ended, Rosie the Riveter is a symbol of so much for working women. In my opinion, Rosie means:

R – Women are willing to do RADICAL things to make a difference in the world.

O – Women are OPEN minded to what it takes for individuals to come together to make a difference in the community.

S – Women are STRONG and capable of doing remarkable things with their bodies, minds and souls.

I – Women are INDEPENDENT and INTERDEPENDENT on others in their families, in their communities and in workplaces. 

E – Women are EAGER to make a difference… and make a difference with what counts most. 

So, all you working ladies out there, I wish you a wonderful Labor Day. Thank you to all the women who go to work and make a difference in the workplace, in community and in our homes! YOU are my heroines!

One day, I’d love to meet Rose Monroe, the woman whose face became the iconic Rosie the Riveter. She is definitely on my short list of people I want to talk to when I get to Heaven.