Happy Pi Day!

Happy Pi Day!

I am such a nerd at heart. As an adult reflecting back on my youth, I wish I was better at math while in high school so that my teachers would’ve encouraged me to get into the sciences. But, “engineer” was not to be in my list of job titles. Instead, I get the honor of focusing on the people side of engineering! Which is pretty cool too.

I also think it’s cool that we have a non-holiday holiday called “Pi Day”. That’s where we celebrate the number of pi (3.14) on March 14th! If you haven’t brought in a pie to the office, go grab one on your lunch break and wish everyone a “Happy Pi[e] Day!”

I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, so I have a special place in my heart for Pi Day, because it started at the San Francisco Exploratorium. Read more about how a 1988 gathering at San Francisco’s Exploratorium became a national holiday.