The lovely and loving Kristi Corless joined me on The Inspired Life Podcast.

Bio on Kristi:

Kristi Corless is the mother of 4 children. 2 through adoption, 1 through IVF and 1 the “traditional” way, after finding foot zoning. She is married to an Amazing, loving husband Tim Corless who gives her wings to fly!

Her journey started with foot zoning, back zoning, face zoning, hand zoning and other natural modalities. She has a total of 10 certifications she draws from along with the amazing essential oils! She has been an essential oil educator sharing and teaching classes and foot zonologist for 9 years. 

In her “free” time she runs a non profit called “Whole International” helping Kenyans with Days for Girls, Education, Entrepreneurship and Clean water.

To connect with her, you can easily find Kristi Corless on Facebook.